Our Partners

  • When you understand the forces shaping the future, you can design exponential growth strategies and create game-changing new businesses to deliver on those strategies. We will stretch your thinking, help you ask the right questions, and challenge your perception of the impossible.

    We partner with you on your growth journey and co-invest alongside you to create disruptive new business that unlock exponential growth.

  • Whether you're looking for generative AI, compute power, database storage, content delivery, or other functionality, AWS has the services to help you build sophisticated applications with increased flexibility, scalability, and reliability. AWS, as part of Amazon, has been highly successful in applying its “Working Backwards from the Customer” programme to help companies take highly impactful new products and services to market that delight their end customers.

  • Malta Enterprise is the country's economic development agency, tasked with attracting new foreign direct investment as well as facilitating the growth of existing operations. In 2021 it launched the ‘Start in Malta’ initiative aimed to supercharge the Maltese start up ecosystem in order to be the birthplace of many more start up success stories to come.

  • We create exceptional leaders, forward thinking mindsets and high perfomaing teams! with our FIRE methodology, we coach and mentor businesses and individuals to think outside of the box, perform at the highest levels and find their true potential.

  • Vistage is the world’s largest executive coaching organisation for small and midsize businesses. For more than 60 years we’ve been helping CEOs, business owners and key executives solve their toughest challenges through a comprehensive approach to success. At the heart of our proven formula is confidential peer advisory groups and executive coaching sessions

  • GO Business is a dedicated B2B team within GO, focused on meeting the communication and technology needs of the local business community. Our team comprises sales and customer retention specialists, solution designers, and support staff, all committed to delivering personalized attention and innovative solutions to help your business thrive.


Your business can be part of this transformational process by partnering in our game-changing program. Using a blend of Futureworld’s Future Thinking mindset methodology and Amazon’s Working Backwards from the Customer process, we help your business create new products, services, and ventures for your Customer of the Future.


    As we embark on an ambitious journey to redefine industry standards with a revolutionary business concept designed for future sustainability and growth, we need a premier legal services partner to become our preferred provider. This partner will ensure all legal aspects are flawlessly managed and aligned with the innovative vision created at the summit.


    During the summit, the attendees will create revolutionary business concepts and future-proof their operations for sustainable growth. To bring these visionary ideas to life, we need a premier brand and marketing partner to be our preferred provider, ensuring the innovative vision is communicated and effectively positioned in the market.


    During the summit, the attendees will create revolutionary business concepts designed to future-proof operations and set new industry standards. To ensure their financial framework is robust and aligned with the innovative vision, we need a premier accounting firm to become the preferred provider, overseeing all financial aspects and contributing to our transformative journey.


    At the summit the attendees will embark on a journey to revolutionize their industry with futureproof business concepts that will set new standards for innovation and growth. To achieve this vision, we need a leading digital transformation business to become the preferred provider, ensuring our technological evolution aligns seamlessly with our groundbreaking goals.

partnership benefits

  • Exclusive access

    • Each Preferred provider will have the unique opportunity to support our Supercharge Tomorrow attendees in the implementation of their 10 year business plan.

    • Exclusive access to understanding the Futureworld rollout plan and process.

    • Exclusive access to attend the Summit and discounted rate for C-suite.

    • Access as a preferred provider.

  • Enhanced visibility

    • Each Preferred provider will have the unique opportunity to have their brand visible in all marketing and communication.

    • Be seen as a partner of Futureworld and AWS.

    • Branding opportunities and visibility at the Summit and in all communications.

  • Strategic growth

    • Each Preferred provider will have the unique opportunity to be part of the implementation of the Futureproof strategy created at the summit.

    • Strategic new partnerships with the attendee businesses.

    • Guaranteed expansion of your portfolio.

Become a Partner